i finally did it. i graduated. after 3.5 years of school, i was able to cross the stage, and receive a degree.
i don’t attribute my success in walking across the stage to the school i attended. the reason i was able to cross that stage on wednesday was due to the incredible friends and people that have carried me and surrounded me through my time as a student. so today i wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for every person who helped me along the way.
first & foremost, thank you to my mom. she has always supported me, helped me with finances, & loved me through everything.
thank you to my dad, who has served as an inspiration of perseverance to me. every moment where i felt like i couldn’t keep going, my dad served as a reminder that nothing can stop me from moving forwards. thank you dad for also being a role model in my pursuit of faith, and an example of who Christ really calls us to be.
my not so little brother
thank you Z, for teaching me to be more care free. i am stressed 25/8, but Zach has always reminded me to take a moment to breathe, and to let the little things go.
kerri possible
thank you for being my best gal pal. thank you for always believing in me and encouraging me to be my very best. you are such a light in my life.
thank you Rachel for showing me it’s okay to truly be myself, and that my true self is the best version of me. thank you for continuously encouraging me and being there for me since college day 1.
zachary christof(ph)er
thank you for reminding me of the importance of compromise. i’m often very grounded in what i want & what i believe, but you have successfully taught me the art of being diplomatic.
josh ERIC
thank you for showing me what excellence truly looks like. you have a 4.0, take an absurd amount of classes, never sleep, and yet you always have a smile on your face. you are what i strive to be.
thank you for always being there for me. no matter what, you always get right back to me, and remind me to laugh my way through hard days. thank you for never failing to be an amazing friend.
thank you Katie for always being someone i could look up to. you’ve been an inspiration to my faith, and the way i live my life. thank you for teaching me how to love myself.
thank you for encouraging me to work hard, but to always have fun. i am forever grateful for sonic drink shenanigans, dance parties, and vine marathons with you.
dylan & amy
thank you both for shaping me into a leader. thank you for constant encouragement and support. you two have molded me into who i am today, and i would be nothing without everything you both poured into me in the last two years.
lisa & scooby
thank you Lisa for being my number one fan. you’ve cheered me on this entire semester, even on days where i felt like i was the world’s biggest failure. thank you for being one of the best roommates i’ve ever had. louie, thanks for all the snuggles & emotional support.
thank you for being a source of stability for me. you’ve always listened to my countless rants, and been there when i’ve quite literally lost my mind. thank you for being one of the best roommates i’ve ever had.
ryan & saban
thank you for motivating me to continue onwards. in a semester where all i wanted to do was transfer, you never let me give up. even if it meant 47 all nighters in one semester. i would not have graduated from A&M if it wasn’t for these two.
thank you for teaching me to be a bad b*tch. you have inspired me to not only be myself, but not to be afraid to stand up for what i believe in.
to everyone else
thank you to everyone else who i couldn’t mention here. if i talked about every person who got me through the past 3.5 years we’d be here a long time. know i’m grateful for everyone who has impacted my life - positively or negatively. some of you may have tried to kick me down, but i’m grateful for the lessons that God has shown me through all of the trials i’ve faced. with everything, i draw closer to Him.
without the help of so many others, i would never be the person i am today. i’m thankful for so many of you and everything you’ve done for me. professors, bosses, co-workers, my campus reform friends, and so many more. please don’t forget just how amazing each and every one of you are. all my love.